Thursday, January 24, 2008

Weekend with "The Girls"

I just got back from my weekend with "THE GIRLS". We had soo much fun! We went to Ft. Yargo in Winder, GA to scrapbook from Thursday night until Sunday night. I forgot my camera. (I know, I am a scrapbooker how could I do that!! I should be ashamed) This pic was taken with my phone. This is my friend Teresa. We had soo much fun over the weekend. Couldn't we pass for sisters! I have found my long lost twin.

As always it was a ton a laughs. Lauren was as crazy as always. You would need to read her blog about the incident with her pants. She tells the story so much better than I can.

We don't have another weekend planned anytime soon. Lauren starts teaching in February and her weekends are taken. We will have to plan in advance for everyone to get together again. I know we will go to Knoxville in April for the yard sale at Scrapbooks & More.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Phone News!

Well as the pictures can tell ... Katie now has a cell phone. Do you think she is excited? Of course the Princess had to get a pink one.
There is a reason behind getting it. It was just not practical to have a home phone. We were spending $35 a month for something that rang maybe 5 times a month. So we had the phone phone disconnected. So for all you friends and family out there you will need to call Wade, Amy, Katie & Chris on our cell phones. It was only $10.00 more added to the cell phone bill for Katie to have a phone. There are many restrictions to the phone. 1st she can only talk to the people Mommy programmed in her phone. All the family, etc... Also she can talk to friends that have Verizon since those calls are free. 2nd ..No text messaging. I think for a while we will be fine since she does not know how to do all of that stuff. 3rd.. the phone does not go with her to school. She can take it when she goes to the grandparents, aunts, uncles, & friends house but she must keep up with it. If she looses it .. too bad it is gone.
Looks like my little girl is turning into a little lady.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Yes!! Snow on New Years Day!! I love it! Katie and I love snow. Mom called about 9:00 saying it was snowing at her house. I thought she had lost her mind. I looked outside and there was nothing. About 15 min later I looked again and it had started to snow. I was just a dusting but still enough to make snowballs from what laid on the porch. Katie got all her snow gear on and went out to play. Wade could not resist going out and throwing snowballs at her. If only we had gotten more......