Thursday, February 28, 2008

Scrapbooking Adventures

As some of you may know I have a friend in Atlanta named Lauren. She is a FANTASTIC artist. She can make ordinary things extraordinary. I have appointed myself as her manager. I seem to get her volunteered into all kinds of things when it comes to scrapbooking. When she decided that she wanted to cut and tear paper for a living I had to give her a shove. Sometimes she looses focus like “Dory” on Finding Nemo. Anyway.. I keep getting her into all kinds of stuff and you know I think she is finally having fun.
So… back during the summer at CHA for all you non crafters it is the biggest Craft & Hobby show ever. It is where retailers go to buy there stuff for the season. She met a lady named Leann that owns Everyday Scrap. Leann sets up a booth at Scrapbook Conventions all over the US. She was coming to Huntsville, AL in the fall and asked Lauren to work the booth. Lauren said yes and that she had friends that were coming could they help. Also Lauren had already signed up to teach classes at that convention. So October came and we all went to Huntsville and had a blast working the booth. Leann could not believe the extra $$ she made with having more people in the booth helping her sell. So she decided that she wanted to take us with her wherever she goes. So Lauren is teaching at most all of the shows that Leann is attending and I am going to quite a few to work the booth…. Well at least that was the plan. Leann has a partner and sometimes there is more than one convention in the same weekend so they have to be in two places at once. Well.. Leann double booked Lauren on teaching. The weekend of March 27-30 Lauren needed to be in Columbus, OH & Madison, WI. So I was “voluntold” that I am teaching her classes in Madison, WI that weekend while she goes to Columbus. YIKES…. I was like WHAT !! I am doing WHAT???!!! That was exactly what I said when I called her. She laughed and told me it would be just fine. As the time approaches I am getting excited about the class. Nervous about the plane flight alone but as Lauren would say put your big girl panties on and get to steppin. Lauren is coming to my house on March 21st so that we can go over all the projects so that I am not lost. Oh… and come to find out she is double booked again in May so…. I am off to Michigan in May to teach. At least these are paying jobs so I will make some $$ so that I can pay some bills. Here are a couple of links to the conventions that I am teaching at for Lauren. Check out the classes section and look for the ones with the teacher AMY and sponsored by EVERYDAY SCRAP. Thanks to Lauren I am getting my 15 minutes of fame. Do you think everyone in the classes will be surprised after looking at the samples that have little black kids in the photos and then I show up to teach? Go ahead laugh... I told Lauren someone would say something... and yes Lauren got and email from someone who she met while teaching last year. The lady says "Lauren there is some lady named Amy that is using your stuff!!" We both got a big laugh and I told Lauren.. see I told you so!!


Terri Rossman said...
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Terri Rossman said...

Hi- I'm a friend of Edie Simons and in following links from her blog I read your posting that you will be in Michigan in May. I don't know if you have heard fro Edie but I would love to know where in Michigan you are teaching. Edie teaches fabulous classes. I teach a few myself. While I am looking for opportunities, I am simply interested in events like the one in which you will participate in Michigan in May. Can you send me some info for participants and if there are some, teaching opportunities?

sweetnsassi said...


I will be in Novi, Michigan May 7-10. Above is the link to the convention. The classes are under my name Amy and is sponsored by Everyday Scrap. I would love to have you in the class. The projects are scrapbooking projects not altered art. I am friends with Lauren Ferguson Nwachukwu. These are her projects, she is just double booked that weekend with teaching so I am helping her out by going to Michigan to teach while she is in New Jersey.


Amy Wood