Saturday, May 19, 2007

Wedding Photos

Yea! It is over!! The renewal of wedding vows for my inlaws was today. I am exhausted. I was up until 2:30 am putting together a CD to use at the wedding since we were unsure about the piano player. You all know that after doing all that work she did show up today. But better to be safe than sorry. I got up and to my brother in laws this morning for his neighborhood yard sale. I made a purchase by myself and the guys were pleased. I got at table & 4 chairs for $35.00. Anyway I think I am pulling a Lauren and digressing again...

The wedding was beautiful. As you can see by the photo. Don't we all look gorgeous!!! After the wedding we had to go to my nephews graduation. I am just now getting home. I am loading the pics to so I can get them printed tomorrow. If I don't it will be days or weeks before I got that done. Who knows I may get creative and do them a wedding scrapbook. (Note: I have not even done my own so no one needs to hold their breath on this one.)

1 comment:

Lauren Ferguson said...

Y'all look GREAT!!!!

UHHH is she wearing white. I know she does no think that we think that she is as pure as Mary.

Uh Yeah right... MARY.

If you get the pictures printed, that is a good thing. If you get them organized and ready for page kits that is even better. Put into an album as a 75th wedding anniversary gift... You have enough time....

Hey how is that baby album going? Isn't the baby due next week.

Yeah you are going to get to those wedding done photos real soon.

love ya like cooked food,
your Booth Babe